          反身代名詞 (二) 什麼是反身代名詞? 強調主詞或受詞用,通常放在所要強調的字後面,也可放句尾. (1) 強調主詞: I mys 禮服elf think so. = I think so myself. 我自己也有同感. You y 借貸ourself must do it. = You must do it yourself. 你必須親自去做. 是非題: 土地買賣 I will tell him the news myself. 我要自己告訴他這消息. I myself will tell him t 景觀設計he news. Myself will tell him the news. (2) 強調受詞: 主詞與受詞為同一體時(自己的行動或動作加諸於自己 酒肉朋友時),受詞要用-self The old man killed himself. 那個老人自殺了.(主受詞同一人) The old man killed him. 那老人殺了他. (主受詞不同人) 太平洋房屋 (You) make yourself at home. 請你不要客氣(祈使句you通常省略) (You) help yourself to the cake, please.請你自己取用蛋糕. ex: John behaved so strang 訂做禮服ely today. He wasn’t acting like . (1) him (2)himself (3)he would (4)he does John今天的行為很怪異,不像原來的他. This is my house. 這是我的房子. 九份民宿 This is my own house. 這是我自己的房子. This house is my own. 這房子是我自己的. 單數-self型: myself, yourself, himself, herself, i 買屋tself 複數-selves型: ourselves, yourselves, themselves .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 關鍵字行銷  .

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